Second grade learned about lions and used oil paints on foam sheets to represent the laziest of big cats! Lions usually spend 16 to 20 hours a day sleeping and resting, devoting the remaining hours to hunting, courting or protecting their territory. They keep in contact with one another by roaring loud enough to be heard up to five miles away!!!
This Blog is designed to showcase a sampler of art work created by students in the elementary art program at Westhill Institute in Mexico City. These students are taught by Miss Andrea Ferrari BA Art History and Child Development, TUfts University Boston, MA MA Art Education Columbia University, Teachers College, NY
Friday, May 31, 2013
Grade 1 Collage
First Grade learned about artist Wassily Kandinsy and the power of abstraction! They explored the elements of color and shape through cutting and gluing small pieces to create a design based on an organized composition thinking about top, bottom, middle and sides. We learned through Kandinsky that colors, lines and shapes can have meanings by themselves; they do not need to represent objects and people in the real world in order to convey feeling, emotion and admiration in a work of art!

Grade 2 Lion Collage
Second grade learned about lions: the magnificent animal that appears as a symbol of power, courage and nobility on family crests, coats of arms and national flags of many civilizations. To create their lions in their natural habitats: savannas, grasslands, dense bush and woodlands. Students explored cutting, tearing and glueing small parts and added yarn for texture in the lion's mane and tail!
Grade 2 Lion Drawings in Colored Pencils
Second grade explored the element of line drawing pictures of lions expressing their fierce or friendly nature!
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